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The school is maintained financially by the contributions of parents and other interested individuals and groups.  The school acknowledges the sovereignty of God in supplying all our needs.  Further information is available to parents at the time of application for admission.


If you wish to make a donation then you may do so online through Charity Choice  

here or by clicking on the banner at the bottom of this page.  Should you require further information or have any queries about funding or donations, please send an email to our treasurer who will be able to help you.


Gift Aid - If you are a UK tax payer please note that we are able to claim Gift Aid on your donation.  You can download a copy of the Gift Aid form here as a PDF.  If you send your donation electronically through Charity Choice you will be given the option to reclaim gift aid there, please select this so we can claim back an extra 25% of your donation from the government, thank you.

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